Commute Alternatives

All in a day's work

Because work is what you do, not where you go.


Telecommuting, also known as working from home (WFM), is a work arrangement that allows an employee to perform work, during any part of regular, paid hours, at an approved alternative worksite (e.g., home, telework center).  It’s use during COVID-19 showed many employers the concept is valid, valuable, and helps employees maintain the work/life balance they seek.

Our friends at Arlington Transportation Partners created a list of tips and tricks to help us stay on track as we stay safe at home.

There’s even Telework Bingo!

Compressed Work Weeks/Schedules

A compressed work schedule allows an employee to work a traditional 35-40 hour workweek in less than the traditional number of workdays. For example, a full-time employee scheduled for 40 hours per week could work four 10-hour days (4×10) instead of five 8-hour days (5×8).  Alternatively, the employee could work 80 hours over 9 days with one 8-hour day off each pay period (9-80).


Flextime allows workers to alter their workday start and finish times away from  the traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. day.  It typically involves a core period of the day during which employees are required to be working (e.g. between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.) and allows the employee to complete the rest of their workday during the hours that best suit their personal schedule for reasons such as their children’s schedules, public transit schedules, or to avoid rush hour altogether. The employee’s total working time is the same as that required under traditional work schedules.

Curious what you could save? Try MDOT’s Commute Calculator.